MK Ministries team is excitedly planning our 2012 MK Retreat in Orlando, Florida for July 26-29! I wish there were enough words to say what an amazing, life-changing event this is for our MKs around the world. But rather than hearing it in my words - I thought you would love to hear it in the words of an MK. Mary Groves, MK to Kenya was able to attend the MK Retreat in 2010 in Illinois. She and her two brothers, Warren & Joash, would not have been able to attend without the help of financial supporters from the US & Canada and they really needed to come. In their own words, they were burned out, tired and just going through the motions of being an MK until they were able to attend this event and realized that it could be different.
I want to encourage all our MKs (no matter your age) to attend this event. If you cannot attend perhaps you could pray about sponsoring an ON-FIELD MK to attend this event. We can make a difference in the lives of kids all around the world!
Listen to the testimony of Mary about her experience at MK Retreat!
Mary |
MK retreat 2010 literally change me because it got to a point where I
felt I was doing my time and at the end of our term I was gonna be out
of here - end of story, until Sis Cylinda contacted us about possibly
going to MK retreat. I have to admit I was a little hesitant because I
felt I wouldn't fit in with other MKs who where excited about their
ministry, their "calling" and I made up my mind that this "life" was not
working out the way I had hoped or thought it would. However God worked
it out so that all three of us siblings were able to make it to the
retreat. From the first night of MK retreat I felt so welcomed, loved...
I felt apart of something great. but it wasn't until Megan got up to
speak ... I felt her passion and the genuine anointing of the Holy
Ghost that poured from her as she spoke to us and it triggered desire
and boldness in me. Desire for a greater relationship with Jesus, more
anointing. It triggered boldness to speak to audiences I never thought I
could. See I knew all along God wanted me to teach and minister but I
allowed the guilt of my past to hinder me and tell me that I couldn't.
That day Megan inspired me not only by her lesson but by her example. MK
retreat made me realize that I'm not normal or ordinary and I honestly
feel that my time at the retreat added value to my ministry. I arrived
at MK retreat with no desire for ministry feeling burned out, wanting to
go home and fade into the background but instead I left with drive and
desire for ministry. I love you guys, you're my family. Our coming to Mk
retreat could not have come at better time. I truly believe the trip
saved my life.
When I arrived back in Nairobi the Lord seemed
to give me opportunities and boldness to teach in ladies meetings, Sunday school seminars and children's ministries. Then finally He placed
FNL on my heart. FNL youth outreach ministries, is a group that my
brothers and I along with a young couple, Bro Nick and Sis Phyllis,
started to reach Nairobi youth. We started the meetings September 2,
2011 with 9 young people in attendance. Shortly after 2 young men
received the Holy Ghost. In our second service we had a awesome time in
the presence of the Lord. We sang "Freedom", you guessed it, we didn't get
to preaching because the worship service took off. Today we have 13
faithful excited young people who attend our meetings regularly and this
past Saturday we were so excited to have 9 young first time visitors
from the south sudanese community here in Nairobi. Also this past
weekend we met with the UPCK board of Nairobi youth devision to plan
outreach events for the rest of the year. next weekend in place of our
bible study time we are going to be taking FNL to the streets witnessing
and inviting young people to our meetings. One of the young men that got
the Holy Ghost invited us to his school for bible study last year and
they invited us back next week on March 14th. God willing in May we will
be meeting in the park to minister with dramas and choirs and handout
flyers and tracts. At the end of the year we are also organizing what we
are calling "Nairobi Youth Fest." a lock-in, talent and fellowship night
here at HQ featuring FNL praise singers & band and drama team.
Everyone is ecstatic about what God's doing and ABOUT to do among
Nairobi youth. I believe by the help of God the Nairobi youth ministry
will launch UPCK into a new level of revival.
Thank you MK Ministries and MK Retreat for inspiration, support and for simply caring. "We feel your love"
and love you guys too. Please continue to keep us in your prayers and
also join us in prayer for a mighty revival in Kenya and South Sudan.
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