Are you as excited as I am??!! I can't wait because MK Retreat 2012 is going to be fantastic, awesome, exciting, dynamic and off-the-hook!! We have the information for costs for this event. We are so excited to be able to go to Orlando, Florida on July 26-30 for our MK Retreat 2012. We get to have classes, fellowship, fun and then if you want to spend some time with us at Universal Studios and even Seaworld! So all I can say is start planning now and get ready for an awesome MK Retreat. All the information you need is below! Can't wait to see you there!!
The MK Retreat 2012 informationDates: July 26th- July 30th
Location: Orlando, FL
Hosting Church: Pentecostals of Apopka- Pastor Mike Williams
Ages: 15 and older if flying internationally – 12 and older if parents are staying in town locally
We ask the parents not attend sessions unless they are also MKs)
Thursday- July 26th- Arrival – Thursday PM- Meet/Greet
Friday- July 27th- Classes at POA
Saturday- July 28th- Classes at POA
Sunday- July 29th-Universal Studios –Islands of Adventure
Monday- July 30th SeaWorld.
Monday Evening- Fly out
600 North Lake Destiny Drive, Maitland, FL 32751
Pricing: There are several price points depending on the length of your MK’s Stay and also the parks they want to go to.
The Prices below are per person.
Single- 1 per room, Double- 2 per room, Triple- 3 per room, Quad- 4 per room.
Check out of hotel Sunday Morning Depart Orlando Sunday Morning (including 3 nights hotel, 6 meals)
Single- 277.00
Quad- 106.75
Check out of hotel Sunday Morning- Depart Orlando Sunday Night (including 3 Nights hotel, Universal Studios, 9 Meals)
Check out of hotel Monday Morning -Depart Orlando Monday Morning (including 4 nights hotel, Universal Studios , 9 Meals)
Quad- 293.00
Check out of Hotel Monday Morning- Depart Orlando Monday Night (including 4 nights hotel, Universal Studios, SeaWorld, 12 meals)
Single -528.00
Double- 370.00
Quad- 301.00
Deposit- A Deposit of $150.00 is due by May 15th
Final Payment- Final Payment Due by June 30thFAQ-
Why are we doing it so early in the summer? Many MKs have not been able to attend in the past due to the late date in August. This allows those in school and college to attend.
What should they bring? The dress for everything is casual, they need to bring a Bible, spending money, tennis shoes or comfortable walking shoes.
Why can’t parents attend? We have designed the MK retreat as an event where they can freely open up and share in a classroom setting. We feel it will hinder the communication by having a lot of non-mks in the sessions. We have had request in the past for parents to attend and we have to fairly say no to all.
Is MK Minstries raising money for my MK to Attend? 2008 MK Retreat we did help MKs raise support by calling their family and friends on their behalf to help secure funds. This was done as many missionaries expressed the fact that they were having a hard time calling them from the field. For the 2010 MK Retreat we secured ONE TIME permission (From the FMAC) to contact Foreign Missions leaders of each district to see if their district would like to sponsor an MK to attend. This year we will be happy to provide a form letter for you to send out to your family and friends. The cost of the retreat is so low it would not be a problem to raise the monies to attend. I know that there are several pastors and churches that would love to help your MKs – just get the word out there. I know a lot of MKs have already started raising monies for this event.
How can payments be made for the MK Retreat? As missionaries you can transfer money from your personal account to the MK Ministries MK Retreat account with a simple project requisition form. Please designate your MKs name to the financial staff when requisitioning the money. If you have friend, famliy, and pastors that choose to donate- they can call Global Missions and ask for Jeanne Beth Hance. She can take the credit card information over the phone and the money will be put into your personal PIM account (to be later transferred to MK Ministries).
Can the parents join the MKs at the parks? Yes, we have secured a group rate for the parks. Please email for pricing.
Can missionaries stay at the same hotel even if not attending the MK Retreat? Yes- please email for pricing.
Is transportation provided? Yes. All transportation from the airport, to and from the hotel, church, and parks are provided. Please send us your MKs flight schedule.
Can Aim Kids attend? Yes MK Ministries also serves as a ministry to children of Aimers.
Can my MKs stay longer? Yes- if you need them to fly out on Tuesday due to flight schedules they can stay another night in Orlando and transportation will be provided for them to fly out on Tuesday. Please email for pricing