Our MK Group! |
This past December, I had the privilege of attending the "Deep Calleth Deep" conference in Singapore. I will tell you that I haven't been on a long, overseas flight like that in a long time. So it was like jumping into a pool of freezing cold water - I'm sure all you MKs understand what I am saying! I left cold
Nashville, Tennessee on Thursday and flew to Chicago. Barely, making my connection, I was greeted by a PLANE FULL!! I was jammed into the window seat and for the next 15 hours sat there trying to sleep, read and eat off my knees! Arriving in Hong Kong, I went through all the twists and turns required when you are making a connection to another country. A little while later, I left for Singapore - another four hour flight. I landed in Singapore in the evening and took a taxi to my hotel! Needless to say I was tired and glad to have arrived.

I was greeted the next day by my awesome MKs -
Matt &
Katie Miller as well as Rachel & Rebecca Pounder! We then had a great day of sightseeing with our Tabernacle of Joy friends and of course
Mikayla Willoughby! Now all my wonderful, amazing and awesome MKs were together. We enjoyed a day like no other - even taking into account my jetlag!! When I returned to the hotel to nap while they continued their sightseeing journey, I was greeted by my new roomie for the week and a new friend -
Bridget Coleman!

We were able to enjoy the amazing Tabernacle of Joy services on Sunday and the preaching of the Wright Brothers (not the ones that flew the plane but the sons of Bro. Chester Wright)! Amazing fellowship, food and fun followed and grocery shopping for our trip to the conference.

On Monday, after checking out of the hotel, we drove 6 hours by bus into the country of Malaysia and to the city of Kuala Lumpar to begin our extended stay at a beautiful hotel and to enjoy of the most amazing services I have been in! I wish I could describe the worship of the Tabernacle of Joy members, but all I can say is America we could learn something about wholehearted worship! The speaking and the overall message of the Conference was fantastic. But the greatest for me was to see my MKs in the middle of it all - worshipping, praising and letting God move in their lives! They danced with everyone, prayed until there was no more strength left in them and created memories and relationships that will last forever!
On Thursday & Friday of the conference we were able to have MK classes and talk about topics and subjects that ministered directly to them. What an awesome time of sharing and learning together. We also enjoyed a fun outing - to the KL Aquarium - and our first Starbucks (YUMMY!)
Leaving our new friends and especially my MKs was very hard, but I was so glad to know that we were able to enjoy such a fulfilling time together. Flying another 20 hours or so, I arrived to the beautiful face of my husband and my bed!
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